Introduction to Microfrontends: Decomposing the Complexity of Web Applications

In the world of software development, modern web applications have evolved into increasingly complex and large systems. As applications grow, so do the challenges associated with their development, maintenance, and scalability. This is where microfrontends come into play, an architecture that promises to break down the complexity of large web applications into more manageable and autonomous parts. In this article, we'll explore what microfrontends are, their benefits and how you can implement them in your projects.

What are Microfrontends?

Microfrontends are an extension of the concept of microservices applied to the frontend. While microservices allow you to break down a backend application into smaller, more manageable services, microfrontends do the same for the frontend. Basically, instead of having a monolithic frontend application, they are divided into multiple smaller, independent applications that work together to form a complete application.

Benefits of Microfrontends

1. Equipment Scalability: They allow different teams to work on different parts of the application independently, using different technologies and frameworks if necessary. This is especially useful in large organizations where several teams are working in parallel.

2. Standalone Deployment: Each microfrontend can be developed, tested and deployed independently. This reduces deployment risk and allows for faster and more frequent updates.

3. Maintainability and Flexibility: By breaking down a large application into smaller, more manageable parts, it's easier to maintain and update each part without affecting the rest of the application. In addition, it makes it easier to adopt new technologies without the need to rewrite the entire application.

4. Fault Isolation: If a part of the application has problems, the impact is limited to that specific microfrontend rather than affecting the entire application.

Microfrontend Challenges

Despite their benefits, microfrontends also present some challenges:

1. Coordination between Teams: Communication and coordination between teams working on different microfrontends is crucial to avoid integration problems.

2. Performance: The initial load of an application can increase if many microfrontends are used, since each one can have its own resources (scripts, styles, etc.) that must be loaded.

3. UI Consistency: Maintaining a consistent user experience can be a challenge when different teams are working on different parts of the application with different technologies.

Microfrontend Implementation Strategies

There are several ways to implement microfrontends. Here are some common strategies and their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Using Iframes: One of the easiest ways to integrate microfrontends is through the use of iframes. This technique allows each microfrontend to run in isolation within an iframe. Although this solution is easy to implement and ensures a high degree of isolation, it can present performance and user experience problems, such as lack of direct communication between microfrontends and style integration problems.

2. Web Components: Web Components are a native JavaScript technology that allows you to create reusable and encapsulated components that can be used in any framework or application. This option is attractive to microfrontends because it makes it easy to encapsulate functionality and styles, ensuring that each component works independently. However, it may require a learning and adaptation curve for teams unfamiliar with the technology.

3. Specific Frameworks: There are several frameworks and libraries specifically designed to aid in the implementation of microfrontends. Some of the most popular ones include:
Single-spa: This framework allows combining multiple microfrontends in a single application, facilitating the management of routing and communication between microfrontends.
Module Federation (Webpack 5): Webpack 5 introduces the concept of Module Federation, which allows modules to be shared between different applications at run time. This can be useful for sharing common components between several microfrontends.
Mosaic: A set of tools and patterns that help create microfrontends, providing a solid framework for development and integration.

Use Cases for Microfrontends

1. Large-scale Business Applications: Large business applications, such as administration panels and content management systems, can greatly benefit from microfrontends. By allowing different teams to work on different parts of the application, the development and delivery of new functionality can be accelerated, while maintaining high quality and consistency.

2. E-Commerce Platforms: E-commerce platforms, which often require frequent updates and customization, can use microfrontends to separate the different parts of the store (for example, the product catalog, the shopping cart, the payment system) into separate modules. This makes it easy to update and improve each component without affecting the rest of the platform.

Best Practices for Implementing Microfrontends

1. Define Clear Interfaces: Establishing well-defined interfaces for communication between microfrontends is crucial to avoid integration problems and to ensure that each microfrontend can be developed and tested independently.

2. Dependency Management: Use tools such as Webpack Module Federation to manage shared dependencies between microfrontends and avoid code duplication.

3. UI Consistency: Implement a shared design system or component library to ensure a consistent user experience throughout the application.

4. Test and Deployment Automation: Establish robust CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing and deployment of each microfrontend, ensuring that changes are integrated and deployed efficiently and securely.


Microfrontends represent a natural evolution in web application development, allowing for greater flexibility, scalability and maintainability. Although they are not a magic solution and present their own challenges, their adoption can be very beneficial for large and complex projects. If your organization is facing scaling and maintenance issues with a monolithic frontend application, considering a microfrontend architecture may be the next logical step.

Implementing microfrontends requires planning and coordination, but with the right tools and strategies, you can take full advantage of this architecture to build modern and scalable web applications.

At Edgebound, we're always in sync with the latest technologies and development methodologies. We use modern architectures such as microfrontends to ensure that our solutions are robust, scalable and easy to maintain. If you want to know more about how we can help you implement these technologies in your projects, do not hesitate to contact us.

By Gustavo Medina
Image by Freepik

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