Artificial Intelligence (AI) in eCommerce

Artificial intelligence has been evolving and revolutionizing in many sectors and electronic commerce is no exception.

Platforms such as Shopify and Wocommerce have been powered by AI, integrating various tools that benefit both companies and consumers, redefining the way in which online operations are operated.

One of the areas where its impact is most evident is in customer service.

According to a survey conducted by the company Zendesk regarding the preferences of users when receiving answers to their queries, they prefer an instant response from a bot to waiting for a response from a human being, since they consider that the waiting time is longer.

AI allows companies to provide 24/7 support through personalized ChatBots, which quickly and immediately refer the problem to a human being, if necessary.

The most important thing in this process is that the data is processed quickly, allowing us to follow up on the problem in a specific way.

Although in this article we are going to talk about the benefits of AI in customer service, it is very important to highlight that in the midst of an era of technological advancement, various types of ChatBots have been designed to meet the changing needs of customers and users.

The most used customer service channels in e-commerce are Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram, where AI provides several benefits.

META recently created its own AI assistant, based on the automation of more precise and contextualized questions.

Here are some examples of the benefits of AI in customer service in eCommerce:

1- 24/7 Support: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can operate around the clock, providing customer support at any time of the day

2-Quick Answers: thanks to the rapid data processing of AI assistants, companies reduce waiting time and improve the user experience

3-Automation of repetitive tasks: This frees human staff from repetitive queries to focus on tasks that really require a personal touch.

4-Cost reduction: Chatbots and other AI tools can handle a high volume of inquiries without the need for staff increases.

In short, integrating artificial intelligence into customer service can improve from constant availability to personalization and operational efficiency.

4 ChatBot creators with AI for your company

  1. Manychat

Manychat is a world-renowned marketing platform focused on building and managing personalized chatbots on different communication channels (Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, etc.).

With an easy-to-read interface, Manychat makes it easy to create personalized conversation flows, CRM and Marketing integration.

  1. Sendpulse

Sendpulse is a marketing and sales automation platform, which allows the creation of everything from chatbots to email automation and much more. It is a multichannel platform and considered one of the most complete in messaging implementations.

  1. Zendesk

As we mentioned before, Zendesk is a platform that has customer service software.

The Zendesk chatbot is designed to interact with users through different channels (Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.) where companies can create personalized chatbots and adjust their behavior according to company needs and policy.

  1. Gupshup

Gupshup is also one of the most complete platforms in terms of messaging implementations. Its multichannel messaging service (including SMS) allows us to implement the tools in an easy and intuitive way, providing support and support to effectively implement and optimize the solutions.

By: Celeste Campoy

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